'/> Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Ihwal Pendidikan Pentingnya Berbahasa Inggris

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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Ihwal Pendidikan Pentingnya Berbahasa Inggris

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Ihwal Pendidikan Pentingnya
Berbahasa Inggris
Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Ihwal Pendidikan Pentingnya
Berbahasa Inggris

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Tentang Pendidikan Pentingnya Berbahasa Inggris

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Tentang Pendidikan Pentingnya Berbahasa Inggris Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Tentang Pendidikan Pentingnya Berbahasa Inggris

Kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa teladan pidato dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Pidato biasanya dilakukan dalam program sambutan sambutan atau perpisahan. Ada juga pidato yang dilakukan untuk keperluan lain. Ada aneka macam tema yang dapat kita pilih dalam menciptakan teks pidato bahasa inggris, diantaranya yaitu : pidato wacana pendidikan, wacana kesehatan, wacana bahasa merokok, ancaman narkoba, dan masih aneka macam tema tema lain yang dapat kita pilih.

Pidato singkat ini dapat sobat IBI (ilmubahasainggris.com) jadikan sebagai acuan dalam menciptakan naskah pidato sendiri. Sahabat IBI (ilmubahasainggris.com) juga harus memperhatikan gaya bahasa yang akan dipakai dalam teks pidato anda nantinya.


Dear principals Sekolah Menengan Atas 01 Surabaya, all the teachers and administrative staff Sekolah Menengan Atas 01 Surabaya and all my friends from class X to XII.

Before i deliver a speech, i would like to invite you to give thanks to the presence of almighty god, who has given us the grace and guidance, so that we can meet together in this blessed place. And i also do not forget to submit your prayer and greetings to our prophet Muhammad saw, who has brought us from darkness, so we are always on the right path.

Of course a variety of reasons and opinions will arise when we hear the question “is it important to learn ENGLISH?” Some people say that it is important to learn ENGLISH with a variety of reasons and opinions and also there who think learning ENGLISH is important even less important with a variety of reasons and opinions. Do you think learning ENGLISH is important?

On this occasion, allow me to present a speech on “is learning ENGLISH important”?

Ladies and gentlemen

Departing from a question of “is it important to learn ENGLISH?” How important do you think ENGLISH to be learned? We all know that ENGLISH is one of the few international language which is used in many countries in addition to Arabic and Chinese. ENGLISH is a language derived from ENGLISH country, then spread through his mastery until it touches the Americas and then the ENGLISH language used there. Britain and america who later became a great nation that has a strong influence in all areas, made ENGLISH into the language that is often used today.

Many people in this country do not agree on the importance of learning ENGLISH, which is of course accompanied by a variety of reasons and their opinions. They argue: why do we have to learn ENGLISH? When we still had its own language, Indonesian, which is used as the national language and unifying our country. Why do we have to learn ENGLISH when we still have thousands of local languages should we preserve and together.

But, we live in this world is not his own. There are several things that need communication, language other different countries. Therefore, we certainly need a common language. And ENGLISH emerged as an international language we know. Therefore, it is important to learn the ENGLISH language from primary school to upper level students and students that have the nation’s next international outlook which will determine the future of our country Indonesia.

Do you still question yourself “is it important to learn ENGLISH?”

Today i stand here to deliver my speech, entitled “the dangers of smoking for teenagers”. In the association of young people in the present, we can conclude that they have a bit of attention from the people closest to them.

In my speech this time, allow me to say “say no to smoking”. As we know that a lot of students who are still sitting on the bench bau kencur high school and high school are already using cigarettes. To smoke at a young age can impact badly on health and change the mindset of young children. Not only does it alone, smoking is also potentially raises a criminal offence, such as theft.

A lifestyle like this will result in a decline of the quality of education and human resources. To avoid this, we as parents should prevent our children approaching the smoking.

Once again i say “say no to smoking” for the sake of the progress of the young generation and the sons of the nation.

That’s all i have on my short speeches this time, i’m sorry if there are mistakes and i end with credits.

Go education in Indonesia.

Demikian bahan sederhana kali ini mengenai teladan pidato bahasa inggris singkat wacana pentingnya berbahasa inggris, semoga bermanfaat dan dapat membantu seluruh sobat IBI (ilmubahasainggris.com) dalam proses berguru bahasa inggris.


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