'/> Expressing Giving And Fulfilling Someone Request : Pengertian, Jenis Ungkapan Dan Teladan Obrolan Percakapan Latihan Soal

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Expressing Giving And Fulfilling Someone Request : Pengertian, Jenis Ungkapan Dan Teladan Obrolan Percakapan Latihan Soal

Expressing Giving And Fulfilling Someone Request : Pengertian, Jenis
Ungkapan Dan Teladan Obrolan Percakapan Latihan Soal
Expressing Giving And Fulfilling Someone Request : Pengertian, Jenis
Ungkapan Dan Teladan Obrolan Percakapan Latihan Soal

English Conversation: Pengertian, Jenis Ungkapan Dan Contoh Dialog Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request Lengkap Dengan Latihan Soal



Pengertian Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request

Expression (Ekspresi/Ungkapan) ialah mengungkapkan atau mengekspresikan sesuatu.

request (permintaan) yaitu meminta tolong seseorang untuk melaksanakan sesuatu

offering (memberikan bantuan) yaitu memperlihatkan pertolongan kepada orang yang membutuhkan.

 Jenis Ungkapan Dan Contoh Dialog Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request Lengkap Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request : Pengertian, Jenis Ungkapan Dan Contoh Dialog Percakapan  Latihan Soal
Expressions of someone fulfilling request

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Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :

Jenis Ekspresi (Ungkapan) Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request

Expressions of giving request:

 Would it be possible for you to…?

 Would it be possible for you to read this sentence for us?

 Would you mind…?

 Would you mind to submit your homework?

 Could I ask you to…?

 Could I ask you to lend her a pen?

 Could you….?

 Could you answer question number one?

 Can you…?

 Can you open the window?

 …, please?

 Turn off the light, please.


Expressions of fulfilling request :

 Yes, of course

 Yes, just a minute.

 Certainly.

 Sure

 Yeah

 Right you are.

 No, problem.

 I should be delighted.

 By all means.

 I should be most happy.


Dialogue Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request

Dialogue 1

Keony   : Hi Afghan! How are you? Hi, afghan, apa kabar?

Afghan : Hi Keony! I’m fine, thank you. How about you? Hi keony, saya baik-baik aja, bagaimana dengan kamu?

Keony  : I hope I’m fine. But, I feel my body is not well. Pengennya sih baik, tapi kini saya lagi tidak yummy badan.

Afghan : oh, really? What do you feel right now, Keony? Oh, beneran? Kamu ngerasa bagaimana sekarang, keony?

Keony : I feel so dizzy. Don’t tell my mother about it, please. Kepala ku pusing, tolong jangan bilang-bilang ke ibu ku ya,

Afghan : Hmm… have you met a doctor? Hemmm… kau sudah ke dokter?

Keony : Not yet. Because my parents are very busy. Belum, alasannya orang bau tanah ku sangat sibuk

Afghan : Oh I see. So that why you don’t go to a doctor. Oh, jadi karna itu kau belum ke dokter.

Keony : That’s right. Do you want to accompany me? Ya benar, kau mau tidak temenin saya ke dokter?

Afghan : Yes why not. When will go to there? Oh, kenapa enggak. Mau kapan perginya?

Keony : right now. Let’s go. Sekarang, ayo kita pergi.

Afghan : ok. Came on. Ok. Ayo!

Dialog 2

Hazzel : Hi Ghazy, how are you? Hi ghazy, apa kabar?

Ghazy : Hi Hazzel, Alhamdulillah I’m Okay. How about you? Hi Hazzel, Alhamdulillah saya baik-baik aja, kau bagaimana?

Hazzel : I’m So so. Aku baik-baik saja.

Ghazy : by the way, where will you go hazel? Ngomong-ngomong kau mau pergi kemana?

Hazel : I am going to the Mr. Ali’s House, But I don’t know where exactly the address. can you accompany me to go there? Aku mau kerumah pak Ali, Tapi saya tidak tahu dimana persis alamatnya. Bisa tidak kau menemani ku kesana?

Ghazy : Yes, of course, come on. Ya. Tentu saja, ayo.


Latihan soal

Fill out the blanks below with the correct answer.

1. Waiter : Good morning sir, What Can I do for you?

Mr. Udin : Good morning, I m very thirsty . ___________ ?

Waiter : yes, of course sir, wait for a few minute.

2. Farah : Can I talk to the headmaster?

Veera : I am sorry. He is not in.

Farah : ____?

3. Syarif : I will visit our English teacher to night.

Omar : oh I see, with home you go there?

Syarif : I’m alone, _____________?

Omar :Certainly.


1. Could you take me a glass of fresh water?

2. Can I leave any message?

3. Can you go there with me?


Demikianlah klarifikasi bahan bahasa Inggris perihal Expressing Giving And fulfilling Someone Request, mohon maaf kalau ada kesalahan, supaya pembahasan bahan ini sanggup menambah wawasan dan kemampuan bahasa inggris Sahabat IBI semua. Selamat berguru supaya sukses.

_ Ketika Orang Lain Berkata Tidak Mungkin, disitulah komitment dan keyakinan kita diuji. Lanjutkan..!!_


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