'/> Giving And Eccepting Offers : Teladan Obrolan Ungkapan Memperlihatkan Dan Mendapatkan Proposal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Latihan Soal

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Giving And Eccepting Offers : Teladan Obrolan Ungkapan Memperlihatkan Dan Mendapatkan Proposal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Latihan Soal

Giving And Eccepting Offers : Teladan Obrolan Ungkapan Memperlihatkan
Dan Mendapatkan Proposal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Latihan Soal
Giving And Eccepting Offers : Teladan Obrolan Ungkapan Memperlihatkan
Dan Mendapatkan Proposal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Latihan Soal

Inilah Ungkapan Memberikan Dan Menerima Tawaran (Giving And Eccepting Offers) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog Percakapan & Latihan Soal



Ada sebuah ungkapan dalam hadist,” Tangan diatas lebih mulia daripada Tangan dibawah”, artinya; memeberi lebih utama daripada menerima.


Inilah Ungkapan Memberikan Dan Menerima Tawaran  Giving And Eccepting Offers : Contoh Dialog Ungkapan Memberikan Dan Menerima Tawaran Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Latihan Soal
Asking and Giving Offers

Sahabat IBI,

berangkat dari hadist diatas, hari ini kita akan coba membahas bahan yang sangat menarik yang ada kaitannya dengan member dan menerima.  Admin akan memeberikan ilmu ihwal bagaimana mengungkapkan ajuan proteksi kepada seseorang, guru,  teman dll. Menerima dan menolak ajuan seseorang atau orang lain yang tentunya dengan cara yang santun atau sopan (polite).

Berikut ialah pembahasannya:

Inilah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan proteksi atau sesuatu kepada orang lain


Expressions used are

Offering help (menawarkan bantuan)


  • Can/may I help you?

  • What can I do for you?

  • Do you want me to join us?

  • Would you like me to ….

  • Let me …

  • I’ll …. if you ‘d like

  • I’ll be happy to ….. if you ‘d like

  • I’d be glad to ……. if you ‘d like

  • Shall I …………….?

  • Would you like me to……………..?

  • Would you like ……………..?



Inilah Ungkapan Memberikan Dan Menerima Tawaran  Giving And Eccepting Offers : Contoh Dialog Ungkapan Memberikan Dan Menerima Tawaran Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Latihan Soal
Asking Help

Offering Something (menawarkan sesuatu)

Ø  Can I get you something to drink?

Ø  Would you like something to drink?

Ø  Do like …..

Ø  Do like …. or …..

Ø  Do you wont …..

Ø  Do you take ….. or ….

Ø  May I give you ……

Ø  Would you like some candies?

Ø  Would you like to have dinner with me?

Ø  Oh yes, I’d love to.

Ø  That sounds nice.

Ø  That’s very kind of you.

Ø  Oh, thank you. Yes, please


Offering to friends (Menawarkan sesuatu kepada teman)

  • Want some?

  • Have some.

  • Chocolate?

  • Glass of lemonade?

  • Grab some for yourself.

  • Would you like to have a pancake?

  • Why don’t you have some lemonade?

  • What can I get for you?

  • What will you have?

Offering to older people (menawarkan sesuatu kepada orang yang lebih tua)

  • Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Green?

  • Should I get you a bottle of water?

  • Could I offer you a glass of lemonade, Mrs. Lina?

  • Would you care for some salad?


Sample Expressions:

1. Do you want a drink?

2. Do you want a glass of juice?

3. Would you like a drink?

4. Would you like a glass of juice?

5. Can I get you something to drink?

6. Can I get you a glass of juice?

7. Could I get you something to drink?

8. Could I get you a glass of juice?

9. Do you want something to drink?

10. Do you want some juice?

11. Would you like something to drink?

12. Would you like some juice?

Accepting an Offer (menerima tawaran)

  • Yes, please

  • Yes, of course

  • Of cours I can

  • That’s very kind of you

  • I appreciated that

  • That would be marvelous

  • Thank you

  • Thanks a lot

  • Thanks, I’d love to

  • Many thanks

  • Yes, please

  • I’d like it very much

  • Thank you, I would

  • That would be very nice


Refusing an Offer (Menolak penawaran)

  • That’s very kind of you but I can do it myself. Thanks’ anyway

  • I appreciate that but I can do it myself

  • That would be marvelous but I can do it myself

  • Thank you for your kindness but I can do it myself

  • Please don’t be bother (yourself)

  • I’m sorry …..

  • I’m sorry I can’t. I have to …

  • Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t

  • think I can’t. It’s all right.

  • I can …

  • No, thanks.

  • No, I really won’t thank you.

  • Not for me, thanks.

  • No, thanks. I’m not hungry.

Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :

Contoh dialog

A Short Polite Dialogue

Anna: Would you like something to drink? kamu mau minum?

Barbie: Yes, thank you. ya, terimakasih

Anna: What would you like? kau mau minum apa?

Barbie: Water or juice would be fine, thank you. air putih atau juss kayaknya yummy deh

Anna: Would you like orange juice, pineapple juice, or grapefruit juice? kau mau juss jeruk, nanas, atau juss jambu?

Barbie: Well, if it’s not too much trouble, grapefruit juice would be good. oh, jikalau ini gak merepotkan, jus jambu kayaknya mantab deh

Anna: It’s not any trouble at all. Wait just a minute. I’ll be right back. Here you are. oh tidak apa -apa kok. tunggu sebentar ya, saya akan segera kembali

Barbie: Thank you very much. terimakasih banyak ya.

Anna: If you want more, just let me know. jikalau mau yang lain, ngomong aja ya.

Barbie: Thank you. This is really good. I was so thirsty. terimakasih, ini sudah luar biasa, saya aus banget.

Anna: You’re welcome. If you were that thirsty, you should have said something. You didn’t have to wait for me to offer. 

sama-sama, jikalau kau haus, kau jangan sungkan-sungkan ngomong saja, jangan nunggu saya nawarin dulu. 

Barbie: Thank you so much. You’re very kind. makasih banget ya, kau baik banget. 

Anna: Oh, it’s nothing at all. You’re welcome. oh, tidak apa-apa, sama-sama. 



Don’t Forget:

Polite Expressions

-=> Please.

-=> Thank you.

-=> You’re welcome.

-=> My pleasure.

-=> Don’t mention it.

Dialogue Exercise: (True or False)

1. Barbie offered Anna something to drink politely.

2. Water or juice would be fine for her.

3. Orange juice, apple juice, or grapefruit juice are among the choices.

4. She chose grapefruit juice as her drink.

5. She refilled her juice twice.

6. You’re welcome is a polite reply.

7. Barbie is a shy-type person.

8. Anna is very kind according to Barbie.



  1. True

  2. true

  3. True

  4. True

  5. False

  6. True

  7. True

  8. True

Itulah pembahasan meteri bahasa Inggris ihwal Giving and eccepting Offers. mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan. biar pembahasan ini sanggup enambah wawasan dan kemampuan bahasa inggris kamu, atas kunjungannyaadmin ucapkan terimakasih.

_Jangan Menyerah_


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