'/> Penjelasan Dan Pola Obrolan Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Penjelasan Dan Pola Obrolan Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Penjelasan Dan Pola Obrolan Expression Of Satisfaction And
Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Penjelasan Dan Pola Obrolan Expression Of Satisfaction And
Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris

English Conversation: Penjelasan Lengkap Dan Contoh Dialog Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Expressing Satisfaction

Expressing Satisfaction Adalah  Ungkapan kepuasan berupa perasaan baik, rasa kenyamanan atau kebahagiaan.

Ketika kita bahagia setelah kita melihat sebuah Pestival musik atau konser dan kita benar-benar merasa puas dengan Pertunjukkan itu, ketika kita merasa bahagia karena hasil ujian kita baik dan kita merasa sangat puas. Atau mendapat pelayanan yang sangat baik disebuah pelayanan pubik misal Rumah sakit, Bank, Hotel dll.

Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :

 Penjelasan Lengkap Dan Contoh Dialog Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Penjelasan Dan Contoh Dialog Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Expressing Satisfaction

Beberapa ungkapan satisfaction yang sanggup kita gunakan yaitu sebagai berikut:

Formal Situations:

  1. . …to be+ very pleased with …

  2. … to be + content with …

  3. . …to be + satisfied with …

  4. . … to be+ very delighted …

Informal Situations:

  1. Super!

  2. Great!

  3. Terrific!

  4. Fantastic!

  5. Smashing!

  6. Perfect!

  7. Everything is fine.

  8. Good enough.

Expressing Dissatisfaction

Expressing Dissatisfaction yaitu Mengungkapkan kurangnya kepuasan. Expressi ini dipakai  untuk mengungkapkan ketidak puasan yang disebabkan banyak hal. Misalkan Ketika kita tidak mendapatkan pelayanan atau hasil seperti yang kita harapkan dari sebuah pelayanan public atau hasil kerja seseorang dan kita  merasa kecewa.

 Penjelasan Lengkap Dan Contoh Dialog Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Penjelasan Dan Contoh Dialog Expression Of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Expressing Dissatisfaction

Adapun Expressi yang sanggup kita gunakan adalah:

Formal Situations:

  1. . … to be+ displeased with …

  2. … to be + discontented with …

  3. … to be + dissatisfied with …

  4. . … to be+ disappointed with …

  5. I’m not satisfied with…

Informal Situations :

  1. Horrible!

  2. Very sad!

  3. Annoying!

  4. Disappointing!

  5. Frustrating!

Contoh Ungkapan  Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction:

Asking about satisfaction (Menanyakan Kepuasan)

–          How do you like this room?

–          is everything O.K?

–          is everything satisfactory?

–          are you satisfied?


Asking about dissatisfaction (Menanyakan ketidak puasan)

–          Do you want to complain about something?

–          Was something not to your satisfaction?

–          Are you dissatisfied with something?

–          Did you find our service satisfactory?


Expressing satisfaction (Ungkapan Kepuasan)

  •  I really like my new hair cut

  • I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.

  •  It was satisfactory.

  • Well done!

  • Great! Good work

  • I am satisfied with your work

  • You did well

  • Your job is satisfactory

  • I am so happy about this

  • I’m glad to what you’ve done

  • It’s really satisfying

  •  It was okay. Not too bad.


Expressing dissatisfaction (Ungkapan ketidak puasan)

  • I’m not satisfied with work

  • You haven’t done well enough

  • I am really disappointed

  • Sorry, but your work is not satisfactory

  • Oh, no!

  • It’s not very nice

  • It’s really not good enough

  • It is disappointing that.!

  • It is unacceptable

  • This is the limit I won’t take any more of…

  •  Well, this is most unsatisfactory.

  • The concert is so boring.

  • What an awful meeting

  •  It’s not as good as I thought.


Contoh obrolan Expressing Satisfaction :

Yanti          : How’s your vacation in Kiluan, mun ?

Mumun       : It was  terrific! The beaches are beautiful.

Yanti          : Really? What else did you do there?

Mumun       : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I’ve ever done.

Dian            : Wow, it must be a very fun trip for you.

Yanti          : Yes,I’m very satisfied with my vacation there. You must go there.

Mumun        : Yes, I think I’ll do that.


Contoh  dialog Expressing Dissatisfaction :

Sule            : Nung, I thought you were on vacation.

Nunung       : Well, I got back early.

Sule            : Why?

Nunung       : Well, I didn’t really enjoy being there.

Sule             : What happened?

Nunung       : Well, the beach was very dirty, and when I got there it was raining

Heavily. What made it worse was the hotel where I stayed had a bad service.

Sule            : You seem to be unhappy with your vacation.

Nunung    : Yes, I’m quite displeased about it .


Demikianlah klarifikasi bahan bahasa Inggris perihal Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, mohon maaf jikalau terdapat kesalahan, silahkan tulis saran dan komentar kamu. agar goresan pena ini sanggup bermanfaat buat kita semua, atas kunjungannya diucapkan terimakasih.

_Awalilah Setiap aktifitas baik mu dengan bismillah_


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