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Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Pola Procedure Text

Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Pola Procedure Text
Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Pola Procedure Text

Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text

Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text


Procedure text (teks prosedur) is How to make something. Maksudnya yakni Resep bagaimana cara menciptakan sesuatu. Contoh bagaimana cara menciptakan nasi goreng, bagaimana cara menciptakan pensil case dari materi plastic, bagaimana cara menciptakan jus jambu dan lain sebagainya. Procedure text ini berisikan kalimat imperative atu kalimat perintah. Misalnya cut the carrots into pieces, put the sugar on the cup, boil the water dan lain-lain. Yang wajib diketahui! Definisi menciptakan sesuatu disini bukan hanya menciptakan makanan dan minuman saja, tetapi biasa menciptakan yang lain menyerupai yang dicontohkan pada kalimat sebelumnya.

Procedure text juga memakai action verb, conjunction dan adverb.

Procedure text juga dapat diartikan menjadi menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu bekerja atau explain how something works. Contoh “bagaimana cara mengoperasikan komputer, bagaimana mengendarai motor, bagaimana memakai mesin fotokopi dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu procedure text is instruct how to do a particular activity yaitu teks yang pertanda cara melaksanakan aktifitas tertentu. Contohnya resep masakan, peraturan kemudian lintas dan lain – lain.

Teks mekanisme ini bertujuan untuk memberitahu pembaca cara melaksanakan / menciptakan sesuatu.

Informasi dengan urutan kejadian kejadian yang logis. Teks ini umumnya memakai tenses present tense.


Generic structure procedure text dibagi tiga, yaitu :

  1. Goal (Maksud atau tujuan)

  2. Material (Materi / alat / materi yang dibutuhkan)

  3. Methods or Steps (Metode / langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan)


How to make nasi uduk

Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text
Nasi uduk

Materials :

– 2 cups of rice

– 2 cups of coconut milk

– 1 tsp salt

– 1 pandan leaf

– 1 jeruk purut leaf

– 1 salam leaf

– 1 lemon grass

Cooking method :

1. Cook the coconut milk with all the other ingredients except the rice.

2. Meanwhile, wash the rice in another big pot.

3. When the coconut milk comes to a boil, pour it in the pot filled with rice and stir frequently until all the liquid is absorbed.

4. Move the rice to a steamer until it is cooked.

5. Take out the leaves before serving.

Serve :

1. Serve hot on a platter with shredded omelet and a mixture of fried peanuts and fried onions.

2. Garnish the platter with sliced cucumber, tomato and green leaves. This recipe makes 4 servings.

How to make a kite

Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text

Materials :

2 bamboo blade, glue, oil paper, yarn, knife, small weighing-machine, scissors and ruler

Steps :

1. First measure and cut of uniform length bamboo, last whittled to use knife

2. Second weighing to use small weigh-machine until [is] same weight.

3. Then make attributed to beat framework [is] yarn

4. Next paste up oil paper use glue [at] framework

5. Last await run dry the glue, so that the kite [is] ready to controled the flight of

How to make an omelette

Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text Penjelasan Generic Structure Dan Contoh Procedure Text


  • an egg

  • onions cut into pieces

  • garlic

  • Salt

  • vegetable oil

Cooking steps :

  1. First, pound the garlic and salt.

  2. Second, break the egg into a bowl.

  3. Third, put the onions, garlic and salt.

  4. Fourth, mix them using a spoon.

  5. Fifth, heat a frying pan.

  6. Sixth, pour the dough into the frying pan. Wait until the dough looks yellowish.

  7. Seventh, lift using spatula and put in reserve. Wait until the colour is yellowish.

  8. Finally, put the omelette into a plate.

  9. Omelette ready to serve


Semoga Menambah Wawasan para sahabat IBI 🙂

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